MLB BCA Negotiations so bad, the Feds have been called in

MLB BCA Negotiations so bad, the Feds have been called in

                                         MLB commissioner Rob Manfred. Photo from:

According to ESPN insider, Jeff Passan, the MLB and the MLBPA have been unable to reach an argument, with either side unwilling to waiver in their own demands. Passan reports that MLB has contacted federal moderators to come in and assist with the situation. The MLBPA has yet to fully agree to the moderator and it is not clear if there will be clearance given by the PA. 

According to, moderators are often brought in and will be used as a third party with no stake in the negotiations whatsoever. This third party will come in and see what the two sides are disagreeing about and work to find common ground between the two sides to assist in the negotiations and hopefully end the lockout and disagreement.

There is, however, a renewed sense of optimism regarding the negotiations with the news of the moderator. With a third party able to come in and look at the negotiations with an objective view and find common ground, a fresh pair of eyes. The hope is that a resolution can still be made quickly, but it does not appear as though things will be settled prior to the February 16 start date of spring training.

MLB Requests Federal Mediator To Help Resolve Lockout - MLB Trade Rumors

What does a Moderator do? Role & Responsibilities | Glassdoor


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