
MLB Week One Thoughts

                                                            MLB: Week One Thoughts With a week of baseball in the books we can take a look at how some of the games went and how teams look. First thought goes to the Toronto Blue Jays. Somebody apologize to Ms. Jackson, because they ARE FOR REAL!! Vladimir Guerrero Jr. is following in his father's footsteps and is mashing his way into the MVP conversation and looks primed to launch Toronto into the playoffs. Toronto is loaded with bats and pitching very able to launch them to October.  A weaker team, the Detroit Tigers are a team to watch out for in 2023 and especially in 2024. These Tigers are young, talented and well led. They are primed to make a very serious run within the next two years as their young prospects make their way to the majors. These Tigers aren't just reliant on their young talent, they have the ability to spend money as well and will in free agency to bring who and what they need to win. A current surprise wou

Opening Day Is Here!

 Opening day has arrived! The highly anticipated event all the players, coaches, and fans have been waiting for. Brewers vs. Cubs Guardians vs. Royals Pirates vs. Cardinals Mets vs. Nationals Reds vs. Braves Astros vs. Angles Padres vs. Diamondbacks The predictions today are going to be hard to tell with it being the first day and all. The first games of the year are always hard to tell because we don't know their tendencies, how well the new additions to the team may work out, or if the win or loss was simply a fluke. With new players to teams like the Mets adding Scherzer and DeGrom they should have their way with the Washington Nationals, but will the Nationals make an opening day statement defeating one of the top teams in the NL East? Who knows! That's why we love baseball! My predictions are as follows: Cubs over the Brewers, I think they will start off hot this year, but untimely simmer down and the Brewers take the NL East. This will be a close one though, down to the w


 2022 MLB Season Predictions: With opening day one week away, rosters being set and bets being placed, it's time to consider where the 2022 MLB season will round out. AL East: 1. Boston Red Sox 2. Toronto Blue Jays 3. Tampa Bay Rays 4. New York Yankees 5. Baltimore Orioles The top two teams will spend the season absolutely hunting one another, first place will not be held on by one team for very long periods. The Red Sox will begin the season without their ace, Chris Sale, but have added Trevor Story at 2B. Toronto made serious moves last season to get better and get better fast as well as off season moves that included the acquisition of Matt Chapman from Oakland. Tampa Bay figures to be thorn in their sides but won't be able to compete. AL Central: 1. Chicago White Sox 2. Minnesota Twins 3. Detroit Tigers 4. Cleveland Guardians 5. Kansas City Royals Chicago captured the division very early last year, in fact they captured their division before anybody else in MLB, however, it

Lockout Over!

  Agreement in place! MLB lockout is over! MLB and the MLBPA finally sat down and came to terms with each other and agreed to end the MLB lockout and get players back to the field and give a start date of April 7th.  With the end of the lockout came a flurry of moves now enabled to be done with the new CBA in place. A quick rundown of a few of whom is going where: - Trevor Story signs with the Boston Red Sox - Carlos Correa signs with the Minnesota Twins - Kris Bryant signs with the Colorado Rockies - Jorge Soler sings with the Miami Marlins - Kenley Jansen signs with the Atlanta Braves - Freddie Freeman signs with the Los Angeles Dodgers - Seiya Suzuki signs with the Chicago Cubs - Kyle Schwarber signs with the Philadelphia Phillies - Anthony Rizzo signs with the New York Yankees There are still some uncertain factors to settle in MLB CBA, such as the "ghost runner" on second but the two sides have finally agreed to terms to make the season happen. There will reportedly be n

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

 One Step Forward, Two Steps Back At one point we thought the MLBPA, and owners could actually come to an agreement and get baseball started on time. That is, and has been, shunned as a possibility. On Wednesday, MLB commissioner Rob Manfred announced that a total of four series of the MLB season would be cancelled, and April 14th is now the tentative start date. Fans are hurting, I am hurting, we are all begging for this to end.  It was reported early on in this lockout that MLB owners "don't care" about April baseball because that is their lowest point of attendance in the season and when they make the fewest amount of dollars in the entirety of the season. Owners are willing to holdout into early May in order to get their demands met. Players are holding strong but, luckily, both sides have found some, albeit few, common areas and agreements. The progress made in CBA talks was players going from their request of $288 million for the competitive balance tax down to $232

Season Delayed

 SEASON OFFICIALLY DELAYED                                       The MLB and MLBPA have both failed to come to an agreement before their self-imposed February 28th deadline and as a result us fans will now suffer an extended period of time without America's pastime to help us as we defrost ourselves from winter's bite. According to multiple MLB sources, there is no timetable anymore for the two sides to work out a deal to open the season and end the lockout. The number of games that will be missed are still not known. The widely accepted belief is that this is the fault of the MLB and their owners as they are unwilling to agree to many things that the MLBPA wants such as more pay and better attention on minor leaguers. MLB players across the league, including the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim's Mike Trout, say this is for the next generation and all signs point to that being the case. Many players agree with this sentiment even retired players, and the MLB and their owners

Hard Deadline Set of February 28th

February 28th Deadline Set By MLB for Season to Start on Time With Spring Training already have been set to have begun over a week ago and negotiations still on going, the owners have now set a hard deadline of Monday, February 28th or risk a shortened regular season. That leaves just under five days to get thing sorted out. Negotiations to this point have gone no where as the most recent round of negotiations enter its fifth day. Major League Baseball has told owners and the Players Association that "[they have]  set a Monday deadline for a deal to be completed in order for Opening Day to take place on March 31 as scheduled. The league has said that once games are canceled -- which will happen unless a deal can be struck by Monday’s deadline -- they will not be rescheduled".  Latest discussions have included draft lottery, pre-arbitration bonus pool, and competitive balance tax. So far the there have only been minor tweaks to proposals from both sides and progress has been s